
ZnGeP2 (zinc germanium phosphide) crystals have many excellent properties and are mid-infrared nonlinear crystals. ZnGeP2 (ZGP) crystals are approximately 160 times more sensitive than KDP (d36 to 75 pm/V)
Detailed introduction
ZnGeP2 (zinc germanium phosphide) crystals have many excellent properties and are mid-infrared nonlinear crystals. ZnGeP2 (ZGP) crystals are approximately 160 times more sensitive than KDP (d36 to 75 pm/V). ZGP has good optical transparency in the 740 – 12000 nm range and high laser damage threshold, making it ideal for producing near-infrared tunable lasers.
Large nonlinearity coefficient The transmission area is 74 um to 12 um High relative damage threshold High thermal conductivity Wide transparent area Phase matching over a wide spectral range
● Large nonlinearity coefficient
● The transmission area is 74 um to 12 um
● High relative damage threshold
● High thermal conductivity
● Wide transparent area
● Phase matching over a wide spectral range
Specifications | |
Dimension Tolerance | (W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L±0.2mm/0.1mm) |
Angle Tolerance | Δθ<±0.2°;Δφ<±0.2° |
Parallelism | <30" |
Perpendicularity | <10′ |
Surface Quality (Scratch/Dig) | 20/10 (MIL-PRF-13830B) |
Flatness | <λ/8@633nm |
Anti-Reflection Coating | According to customer requirements |
Chemical and Structural Properties | |
Crystal Structure | tetragonal , 42m |
Lattice Parameter | a=b=5.467Å, c=12.736Å |
Melting Point | About 1040°C |
Mohs Hardness | 5.5 |
Density | 4.17 g/cm3 |
Thermal Conductivity | 35.89 W/mK |
Thermal Expansion Coefficients | β‖,5×10-6/K; β⊥,7.8×10-6/K |
Optical and Nonlinear Optical Properties | |
Transparency Range | 0.74 – 12 um |
SHG Phase Matchable Range | 3177∼10357nm (Type I) |
Absorption Coefficients | α<0.05cm-1 @2050-2100 nm |
Angular Acceptance | 30°(2um~12um) |
NLO Coefficients | D36=68.9pm/V (at 10.6um) =75.0 pm/V (at 9.6 um) |
Non-vanished NLO Susceptibilities | d36=75 ± 8 pm/V |
Type Ⅰ deeo=d36 sin2θcos2φ | |
Type Ⅱ doeo=deoo=d36 sinθsin2φ | |
Sellmeier Equations (λ in μm) | no2(λ) = 4.64467+5.10087/(λ2-0.13656)+4.27777λ2/(λ2-1653.89) |
ne2(λ) = 4.71539+5.26358/(λ2-0.14386)+2.37310λ2/(λ2-1000.82) |
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